
The management regards the Safety and Health of it employees as well as the environment within which it operates, to be importance. Our primary objective is therefore to: "Achieve and maintain the highest practicable level of safety, Health and Environment control in all areas of the Company's operations."

To this and the company will ensure that:

Matters affecting Safety, Health and the Environment are accorded high priority.

Adequate precautions are taken to prevent injuries, incidents and damage to the environment.

The provisions of all relevant legislation as well as the Company Safety, Health and Environmental Programme are complied with.

Occupation Safety, Health and Environmental Objectives

To achieve our goals it the necessary to:

Train our employee in Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental issues so as to:

Manage Occupational Safety, Health and the Environment to acceptable standards.

Enforce Safety, Health and Environmental measures with discipline in the workplace.

Protect the public and persons other than company employees from Health and Safety hazards associated with our work.


Achievement of these objectives is and will the responsibility of all management structures.

Duties will be assigned to Company personnel with the aim of managing Safety, Health and Environmental procedures.

The commitment of Management and Employees to these objectives will ensure high standards of Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental control.